While all components of
Pathways aim to be environmentally educational, this service also offers additional interpretative activities such as public talks, courses, excursions and the production of educational literature.
Courses and Workshops
These are presented according to two main themes:
Vegetation Interpretation and Management
A range of courses are offered, covering a varied levels and applications, including the home gardener, owners of bushland properties and rangers/managers of nature. A more extensive course in Ecological Management is planned for 2007.
Nature Experiences
A series of workshops are offered to assist people to re-experience (or to more deeply explore) the natural state of connection, within a safe and supportive context. They are completely non-denominational and respect the Spirit in all. Nature Experiences are conducted over a range of levels and
interests and can be designed according to the specific needs or desires of groups. Low cost introductory events will be run regularly over the next year, including by individual arrangement if desired (contact us by email or phone for further information or schedules).
An outline of proposed courses and workshops follows. We aim to keep
prices as low as possible but costs of events may vary according to factors such as venues used, the group size,
the intensity of the relevant event, and whether supplementary transport to venues is required.
Interpretation and Management
Bushland Gardening
To provide participants with the basics of establishing a functional and attractive garden using indigenous species. Suitable for anyone with a genuine interest in indigenous vegetation. Conducted as day classes over a weekend.
Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $60 per day. (20% discount for concession card
Maintaining and Managing Remnant Bushland
To provide participants with the basics of working with ecological processes for rehabilitation of remnant bushland. Designed for people living on rural properties or land managers who wish to maintain or enhance the habitat values for native species. Conducted as day classes during week days.
Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $80 per day. ( 20% discount for concession card
Reading Ecological Processes
To provide participants with the basics of interpreting ecological processes in action at a site through observations of the vegetation, as a basis for implementing rehabilitation works or management for retention of biodiversity. Designed principally for managers of nature reserves, particularly at the Local or State Government level. Conducted as day classes during week days.
Prerequisite: This course is conducted on the presumption that participants have some background in land management and a solid grounding in ecological basics.
Cost: $120 per day.
Nature Experiences
- Part 1
The Earth Connection (Basic Workshop)
To assist participants to have an experientially-based rather than purely intellectual understanding of earth connection, within a joyful and safe environment. Suitable for anyone who has a genuine respect for nature and wishes to be more at home within it. Conducted as either day events or for a more enveloping experience as a live-in workshop over a weekend
Prerequisite: None
Cost: Short day introductory session $20.
Two day non-live in $240. ( 20% discount for concession card
Live-in weekend To be advised
Children of the Earth
To assist families, especially children, to develop a harmonious and respectful relationship with nature. Conducted as a weekend campout within a bushland setting.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: $250 per family (max 5 people – extra people $60 each). Provide own food and bedding.
Nature Experiences
- Part 2
Earth, Air, Fire and Water
To assist participants to have a deeper experience of being part of and belonging within nature, and to expand their awareness within this context. Conducted as an extended weekend camp-out within a bushland setting, offering time-out from the madness of the rat-race. It should be noted that this is not a ‘survivalist’ camp, and will be conducted with the utmost respect for the place we are visiting and those beings whose home it already is, with an emphasis on walking gently on the earth.
Prerequisite: The Earth Connection (Basic Workshop).
Cost: $350. ( 20% discount for concession card
The Inner Wilderness
To assist and support participants who wish to explore more deeply their relationship with nature and spirit and their abilities to heal themselves or the earth. Conducted as a live-in workshop over a weekend.
Prerequisite: The Earth Connection (Basic Workshop)
Cost: To be advised |